Basic Color Palette: A look at a couple of simple color arrangements one can use to simplify color mixing.
Color Wheel: A basic introduction to color theory and the color wheel.
Color Wheel Basics: An introduction to the different color wheels and a brief explanation of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.
Complementary Color: A look at what the complementary colors are and how to use them.
Color and Value: A look at value levels of color by removing the hue characteristics to see how the colors compare.
Limited Palette: A guide to using a limited palette.
Local Color: A look at how color variation can be used to highlight forms.
Properties of Color: The three properties of a color.
Reducing Color Saturation: Using complementary color to mute a color or reduce the saturation.
Subtractive Color System: A brief explanation of subtractive color.The Temperature of Color: A look at the warm and cool color relationships.
Tints and Shades: A look at the effects of adding white or black to a color.
Watercolor Complements: How to mute colors in watercolor.