
Apr 1, 2012

Drawing the structure in line

The line drawing setting up the structures on the left and the finished drawing on the right.
This one is just for fun. It is not really a lesson as I just dug up some past figure drawings to show you a couple of examples of how I begin a drawing. Learning to draw in line to establish the structural elements of the drawing before including the value or color information is a great way to work out proportions and shape concerns first.


The first two are old drawings from I did when I was a student. I was learning to construct in linework all the important structural elements before I went on to render the forms in full value.  Click on the image itself to see a larger view. You can see I learned to map out a fairly thorough construction before continuing on.

The line drawing setting up the structures on the left and the finished drawing on the right.

The line drawing setting up the structures on the left and the finished drawing on the right.
This is an example of a painting I did a while back. As you can see I don't construct the figure as thoroughly as I did in my student work but I still rely heavily on those principles. 
The line drawing setting up the structures on the left and the finished painting on the right.